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The moisture of sawdust, shavings and wood dust.

Offer type: salePublished: 21.01.2014
Seller:Bek Evropribor
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
The moisture of sawdust, shavings and wood dust.
Hygrometer, moisture meters, moisture meters
The moisture of grain, flour, bread.
The moisture of the soil, soil, humus and peat.
The hygrometer feed - silage, hay, silage and fodder .
The hygrometer wood, building materials, paper and cardboard.
The hygrometer of sand, cement, fiberboard, particleboard, MDF.
Microwave hygrometer food and chemical products, medicines, timber, construction materials, paper, leather and textiles.
, Moscow, 109518, 1st graivoronovskii Ave, 20.
t/f(499)177-92-41, (499)177-91-90, (903)762-0197.