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Sol food and the range of technical

Offer type: salePublished: 20.01.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan'
We offer You salt the cooking food stone ,iodine, packaged(polyethylene and cardboard pack). Weight in bags of 50 kg grinding № 1,2,3.
Sol - extra packaged, iodized, Zatarenny in bags of 50 kg grinding No. 0.
Sol - extra tablets in 25 kg bags for water treatment.
Salt fodder for livestock - cake 5 kg in bags of 10 pieces.
Soda food packaged in 500 grams in a package of 30 pieces, and weight by 40 kg
Technical salt(the mineral halite) in the MCR on tone and in bags of 50 kg
Car delivery is always best! . Call to make arrangements!
Price, rubles: 3500
Currency: Rubles