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Color 3D printing paper on the MCOR IRIS

Offer type: servicesPublished: 20.01.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Tomskaya Oblast', Tomsk
Full-color 3D printing office paper in the whole range of colors, high strength and detail.
You can create a bright exclusive Souvenirs, detailed layouts of buildings, prototypes in full color, colorful landscapes, accurate thumbnail people, visual model for studies, colorful figurines, toys for children and all the power of Your imagination.
You will get a realistic 3D model of photographic quality that will amaze You with colors and elegance.
Price: from 40 rubles per gram of finished product
Send us your 3D model in Stl format by email and we will calculate the cost of its manufacture.
If You have an idea, but no 3D model, then You can enjoy it develop with us.