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Group of companies "TARGA" offers a range of services!

Offer type: servicesPublished: 17.01.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Pushkin
Extract from the register 7 (7 working days) 500 rubles requested to receive statements, power of attorney signed by the Director and the seal of the company.
Extract from the register (IE) (1 working day) 1500 rubles Order by phone, simply call the INN or OGRN
Duplicates (Charter, Certificate) 2000 rubles state Duty Statute 400 rubles testimony 800 rubles
Registration/closing IE 2000 rubles state Duty check-800 RUB / closing 160 rubles Notary fees.
Registration of LLC (limited liability company) 7000 rubles state Duty 4000 rubles Notary fees.
The provision of a legal address in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region (warranty registration 100 %)from 3000 rubles per month Mail from 500 rubles per month
Preparation of documents for registration of the LLC 2000 rubles
A full range of services you will find on our site!