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Sell optical emission spectrometer Solaris NF

Offer type: salePublished: 17.01.2014
Seller:Aleksej Leonidovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Rostov oblast', Rostov-on-Don
Solaris NF - ideal spectrometer for input control and rapid analysis of non-ferrous metals. Ideal for small businesses and as a backup tool.
Due to the high quality components Solaris NF unpretentious operating conditions and can be used in any workplace: in the laboratory, warehouse, shop.
•analytical control on small and medium-sized foundries;
•input control;
•control of secondary non-ferrous scrap metals;
•automotive and aviation industries.
Solaris NF can be configured for analysis of the elements aluminium, copper alloys and other nonferrous metals.
More detailed information can be found on the website
or by phone 8 800 500-23-17, +7 (863) 322-02-88