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Insulated glass line Lisec 2500 X 3500 robot seal

Offer type: salePublished: 25.05.2024
Seller:Ivaschenko Andrej Stanislavovich
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Address:Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv, Ukraine
Insulated glass line Lisec 2500 X 3500 robot seal.
The direction from right to left. 2004 release.
The line:
1. Sign in washing machine RTVB
2. Washing low-e, VHW-25/6M, 6 brushes for low-e
3. Output sink RTVB
4. Output sink RTVB
5. Station overlay frame RSVN
6. Station Assembly PSLN
7. Flat press FLP
8. Station exit RTVB
9. Automatic sealing robot VL1N/25
1TH DOS extruder bicomponent
10. Butyl Extruder LBH25V