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Free water Delicacy.

Offer type: salePublished: 24.01.2013
Seller:Fedorova Tat'yana Leonidovna
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
On sale from Oriflame,custom,Free water Delicacy. The fragrance, inspired by the work of the famous chef Christoph Michalka - dessert Flower Power in the form of a flower. Bouquet Delicacy seduces with notes of black currant, sparkling raspberry and delicious vanilla. For lovers of sweet temptations! 50 ml.
Price:949 rubles per bottle.
Orders take around the cities: Moscow,St. Petersburg, Russia, Udmurtiya,Izhevsk, Yekaterinburg,Khabarovsk,Krasnodar.