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Red caviar salmon pink salmon chum salmon Lemberg (Lemberg)

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:233 UAH
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Price: 400 gr. salmon - 180 UAH.; 500 gr. salmon - 220 UAH.; 400 gr. chum - 260 UAH.; 150 gr. their - 335 USD.
Red caviar salmon, black sturgeon, their TM Lemberg - one the best world producers of caviar. We offer a full range of caviar of sturgeon, salmon and their. Caviar on prirodovedeniya the preservatives will satisfy even the most refined gourmet. Packing of red caviar 250 gr., black 50 gr., their 50 gr.
Will deliver in any point of Ukraine.
We also offer red, pike, black, their eggs:
- Zarendom
- Monarch
- Lemberg
Astrakhan fishing center
- Caviar Kamchatka
- Russian caviar
- Hayko
American caviar
- Polish caviar
- Astrakhan Fish
- Caviar Iran
Russian caviar
- Caviar Far East
- Caviar Sakhalin
Is the caviar of the Caspian sea